Top Volleyball Summer Camps and Summer Volleyball Programs for Kids & Teens in California

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Project Endeavor Programs
California Location(s)

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Various California & Florida Locations
Westwood, California 90095

Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco, CA
Palo Alto, CA
Miami, FL

CAMPER AGES: 12-14, 14-18

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer Programs for High School Students. Experience the next generation of visual and performing artists, tech savvy professionals, future leaders and enterprisers and athletes at Project Endeavor, the program that helps you to focus and develop your inner passion and creativity! Join Project Endeavor programs for our 25th summer with sessions ranging from one to six weeks on campuses in Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Palo Alto.

Volleyball, Swimming, Tennis, Golf, Weightloss, Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Travel, Academics, Science, Computers, Math, Technology, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Team Sports, Basketball, and more.

CAMP FACILITIES: Rest easy, because Project Endeavor understands the importance of being comfortable in your home away from home. We provide our students with private accommodations in residence halls on UCLA and UCB’s campuses that offer the comforts you expect with the safety and security you demand. You’ll have full access to premier health and recreational facilities and meals that won’t leave you hungry for home cooking. We pride ourselves on the fact that our residential amenities, top-quality food service and fitness facilities offer our students the very best. Our goal is to consistently create an environment where you’ll be able to concentrate on getting the most out of your summer – staying relaxed, refreshed and ready to excel.

You’ll kick back in comfort, enjoying in-suite bathrooms, Internet access, weekly housekeeping, linen service and much more. These rooms definitely serve up cool California style! At the end of the day, relax in fully furnished lounges. Catch your favorite show on cable TV, play some Xbox, or watch a DVD with your new friends!

Project Endeavor has always been committed to absolute safety for every student. We maintain a ten-to-one student-to-staff ratio – one of the lowest in the industry – to ensure everyone gets the unmatched attention and unique personalized programs they deserve. Our luxury residence features a front desk staffed 24 hours a day with trained personnel for your comfort and convenience. As part of our commitment to student safety, Project Endeavor staff members live on every student-occupied floor, accompany students on all activities and excursions, and are always equipped with cellphones.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Project Endeavor offers unforgettable summer camps for high school students from around the globe. These experiences create memories that last a lifetime and teach you skills in your chosen field. Our exciting pre college programs allow you to work with the finest faculty and locations designed to meet the highest standards in each chosen field of study from visual and performing arts to high tech to leadership, entrepreneurship and athletics. Project Endeavor programs offer renowned courses that are specialized to combine the highest level of creative intensity and balance them with safety, fun and adventure for students completing grades 9 through 12. Whether you are acting in a short film in Hollywood, working with your team to design and showcase the future of the high tech world or participating in a fashion shoot in Soho, you’re sure to have the experience of a lifetime!

We felt that high school students of all ages that are beginning to get ready to move from high school to college would be so much better prepared for the future if they had the opportunity to fine tune and discover their talents and abilities by offering these very specialized and creative summer camps for high school students.

Over 25 years, we have experienced that well-designed pre college programs run by highly qualified educational and creative experts and professionals will open the minds and hone the talents of students interested in the fields of Creative and Fine Arts, Technology and Business, Leadership and Athletics while boosting the confidence and comfort of high school students on the verge of new academic and social challenges.

It is our belief that everyone returns from our summer camps for high school students with a greater understanding of the opportunities ahead and a true appreciation of their abilities and talents. Their experience prepares them to prosper as they focus on the world ahead and their exciting future and success.

OTHER CAMP INFO: The Project Endeavor Experience takes students and faculty from around the globe and works with each participant to hone their skills and talents. Each participant will be assigned a team and each team will work with a team leader to design a project or perform a routine or create a masterpiece that will be shown to members of that given field at a final banquet. The team that is elected by members of that profession will be honored at the event and will be able to meet with the judges. As a part of the Project Endeavor experience, each team will base their project and the competition on behalf of a local charitable organization. The winning team will receive a donation on its behalf from Project Endeavor to the selected organization.

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California Summer Volleyball Camps Offer Wide Range of Volleyball Programs & Summer Volleyball Activities

Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each California Volleyball Summer Camp or Summer Volleyball Recreation Program.

Many California Day and Sleepaway Volleyball Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of Volleyball Activities.

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Updated: May 24, 2018

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